“My Master’s Degree in Nonprofit Leadership from La Salle University has given me the foundation to be a successful leader. I am thankful for FCP’s commitment to improving the quality of life in Bucks County, because it has allowed me to turn my passion of a hunger free community into a possible reality.“ – Amanda Musselman ’21,
Nonprofit Growth Grants
Grant Description
Through effective partnerships and collaborations, including The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University, Catalyst Center for Nonprofit Management and Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO), FCP invests in the organizational and professional development needs of nonprofits serving Bucks County.
Organizational Development Opportunities
- Board Training
- Executive & Custom Coaching
- Financial Planning
- Strategic & Succession Planning
Grant funding may cover up to 90% of the proposed project.
Professional Development Opportunities
- Master of Science in Nonprofit Leadership Tuition Assistance
- Certificate in Nonprofit Management Tuition Assistance
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Certificate Tuition Assistance: University of South Florida, Catalyst, Cornell University, or propose a DEI Certificate that meets your specific needs
- Workshop & Conference Scholarships
An approved master’s degree candidate will be reimbursed equal to one-third (1/3) of the total tuition cost upon submission of final course grade (B or higher). The organization and the candidate are responsible for the remaining two-thirds (2/3) of the tuition.
An approved Certificate in Nonprofit Management candidate will be reimbursed equal to half (1/2) of the total tuition cost. The remaining cost will be funded by the organization and/or candidate. FCP will reimburse nonprofits that sponsor a certificate track student after five successfully completed courses and again after completion of the program.
An approved DEI certificate candidate through University of Florida and Catalyst will be fully funded, while an approved candidate through Cornell University will be reimbursed equal to half (1/2) of the total tuition cost. The remaining cost will be funded by the organization and/or candidate. FCP will reimburse nonprofits that sponsor a DEI certificate track student after completion of the program.
Organizational and professional development opportunities are awarded throughout the year except for the MS in Nonprofit Leadership (see deadline below). Following submission of a Letter of Inquiry, FCP may schedule a pre-grant meeting before opening the application.
MS in Nonprofit Leadership:
- Organizations that received a grant from FCP within the past 5 years are eligible to apply for tuition assistance for the MS in Nonprofit Leadership which is awarded annually in August.
- Letter of Inquiry due July 15; Full Application (following LOI approval) due August 1
Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will receive consideration. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered. Please visit Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia and the Council on Foundations for tips on writing a successful grant proposal.
If you use FOUNDANT for the first time, you will need to create an account. If you encounter difficulties in creating your account or during the application process, e-mail info@fcpartnership.org or call (267) 247-5584.