- Primary Mental Health Services: Direct care provided by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals.
- Secondary Mental Health Services: Indirect care, referrals, and mental health education provided by public and private mental health agencies.
- Tertiary Mental Health Services: Support for community services including, education, after-school activities, summer programs, drug and alcohol prevention education, creative arts programs, and other programs/activities that support high risk or disadvantaged children, young adults, or families in danger of experiencing behavioral health problems.
FCP does not fund the following:
- Organizations not exempt under Section 501(c)(3), charitable organizations, and Section 170(c)(1), government entities, of the Internal Revenue Code
- Organizations not classified in Section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code
- Advertising publications
- Deficit financing/debt reduction
- Individuals
- Political causes, candidates, organizations, or campaigns
- Religious activities
- Stand-alone research
- Unregistered or unqualified pass-through/umbrella organizations

Grantee: The Baby Bureau
We invite all first-time applicants to an initial “get-to-know-you” meeting before an application can proceed.
Grant Recognition Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to all FCP grantees. Your innovative work deserves recognition, and we strongly encourage you to announce your grant through the media, your own publications, and through your professional affiliations. We also encourage you to share photos of your grant project(s) with us so we can showcase your good work.
Acknowledging Your Grant
We appreciate an acknowledgment of your grant in whatever ways are within your organization’s communications capabilities. Please use the following language to acknowledge your FCP grant:
- This project was funded (or funded in part) by a grant from Foundations Community Partnership.
Please always refer to us as “Foundations Community Partnership”. You may use “FCP” on the second reference.
If you wish to use FCP’s mission statement, please use the following:
- Foundations Community Partnership supports the behavioral health and human service needs of children, young adults, and families in Bucks County, Pa., through grants to non-profit organizations, awarding scholarships to high school seniors, subsidizing service-learning internships for college students, and underwriting professional development programs.
FCP’s logo is available in a variety of formats for recognition and promotional purposes. Please e-mail with your specific needs.
Sample Recognition Opportunities
- GrantAdvisor: FCP encourages you to write a review on our grantmaking to help your colleagues and us. Transparency and trust-based philanthropy are foundational to lasting change and an equitable future. Click here to get started.
- GreatNonprofits: If you appreciate and value FCP’s work, “Share Your Story” with the world! Help raise FCP’s visibility by posting a 5-star review of your experience with us. Click here to get started.
- Naming Opportunities: FCP must approve all signage in recognition of grant support.
- News Releases: Draft news releases should be e-mailed to for final approval at least five (5) business days prior to media submission.
- Printed Materials (e.g., brochures, presentation handouts, reports)
- Public Presentations: If speaking before a civic or professional group about your funded program, please remember to mention FCP. We often mention our grantees as examples of how our funds make a difference in the community.
- Social Media Platforms: Facebook (@foundationscommunitypartnership), Instagram (@FCPartnership), LinkedIn, and X (@FCPgrants)
- Website: Grantees are encouraged to display FCP’s electronic “Grantee Badge” and link the image to