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Meeting Space Reservation
Room Choice
Board Room
Dr. Dan Weldon Conference Room
Type of Meeting
In Person
Preferred Date
Backup Date
Reservation Start/End Time
Please include setup and take-down time in your reservation.
Number of Attendees
Please describe the gathering.
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Contact Person
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Mobile Phone
Proof of 501(c)(3) status
Max. file size: 768 MB.
Please upload a scan of your organization's 501(c)(3) status document.
Additional comments about your reservation and/or equipment needs
Representative Signature
SYC Emergency Contact Form
Emergency Contact Person
Best Phone Number for Emergency Contact
Secondary Phone Number
Back-up Contact Names
Please list names/phone number of any other individuals we could call in case of emergency in case your primary contact is not reachable.
Back-up Contact Names & Numbers
Health Conditions/Allergies
Do you have any allergies or health conditions that we should be aware of?
Motor Vehicle Report Permission
Full Name
Date of Birth
Driver's License #
Authorization for Obtaining MVR Information
As a prospective employee or employee of FCP, I understand that FCP as part of their driver control plan will order my MVR from time to time. I understand that this report will be kept in my personnel file as part of my record. I further understand that I am entitled to a copy of my MVR upon request. Under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC, Section 1681 et seq., the Americans with Disabilities Act and all applicable federal, state, and local laws, I hereby authorize and permit Foundations Community Partnership or FCP’s insurance broker or commercial auto insurance carrier to obtain my MVR. I agree that a copy of this authorization has the same effect as an original.
Full Name and Date
PA Criminal Background Check
First Name
Last Name
Middle Name
Date of Birth
Identity Theft #
Social Security Number (recommended)
Alias First Name
If you have more than one alias, please let Caroline know.
Alias Middle Name
Alias Last Name
Workshop Evaluation
Full Street Address/City/State/Zip
Email Address
Phone Number
Certificate Sought
Social Work/LPC/MFT
General Attendance Only
Choose General Attendance Only if you are not seeking CE Credit.
I would like my CE Certificate mailed to the above address.
Otherwise all CE certificates will be emailed as PDF documents.
Please Rate this Professional Education Workshop, Items 1 - 8
Using the following scale: 4 = Excellent, 3 = Good, 2 = Fair, 1 = Poor
1. At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to summarize current telehealth standards, as well as relevant ethical concerns.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
2. At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to explain strategies for improving the delivery of telehealth-based counseling.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
3. At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to discuss recent research related to the practice of telehealth-based counseling.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
4. Please rate the expertise of the presenter, Charles Jacob, M.S.Ed., Ph.D.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
5. Please rate the appropriateness of the teaching strategies used by the presenter.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
6. Please rate the degree to which opportunities for questions/answers met your needs.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
7. Rate the ease of registration and the helpfulness of staff overseeing the workshop.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
8. Please rate how well this online platform worked for you.
4 Excellent
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor
9. How useful was the content of this CE program for your practice or other professional development?
5 = Extremely Useful
4 = Very Useful
3 = Somewhat Useful
2 = A Little Useful
1 = Not Useful
10. How much did you learn as a result of this CE program?
5 = Extremely Useful
4 = Very Useful
3 = Somewhat Useful
2 = A Little Useful
1 = Not Useful
What future topics would you like FCP to present for Professional Education Workshops?
We value your comments! Thank you!
Host Agency Application
Agency Website
Agency Address
Contact Name
Email Address
Phone #
Agency Description/Mission
Service-Learning Opportunities & Potential Intern Assignments
Please describe the activities/duties you would anticipate for an intern. Include one to three measurable outcome goals for the internship.
Days/Hours of Agency Operations
What days/hours would the intern work most weeks?
Additional Information and/or Special Conditions or Requirements of Intern, such as regular travel between agency locations.
Intern Supervisor
Please provide name/information for one primary supervisor who will be responsible for managing the intern and communicating with FCP.
Intern Supervisor's Resume or Qualifications
Max. file size: 768 MB.
Please upload a copy of your organization's 501c3 status.
Max. file size: 768 MB.
Please upload your organization's liability insurance certificate, showing coverage for student/interns/volunteers.
Max. file size: 768 MB.
Does the organization, or any of its officers or directors have a personal, financial, or employment relationship with Foundations Community Partnership?
If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship:
Representative Signature